Apple has dropped the price of the iPod Shuffle to $49 (from $79) today. The $49 iPod Shuffle stores 1GB of songs or up to 240 songs in.
Looking to buy Apple iPod Shuffle (third generation, 4GB, black)? Get Apple iPod Shuffle (third generation, 4GB, black) for as low as $72.00 from trusted, CNET-certified .
Apple iPod Shuffle - 1,196 results like Apple iPod shuffle 2GB Silver Digital Music Player, Apple iPod Shuffle 1GB MP3 Player - Periwinkle, Apple iPod shuffle 2GB - Red, Apple .
iLounge news discussing Apple intros 1GB iPod nano, drops shuffle price. Find more iPod nano news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and
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Computerworld - Apple Inc. cut the price of its iPod Shuffle, the least expensive of its music players, by $30, and will launch a $69 2GB model later this month, the company .
Touchscreen, Kennzeichen des iPod nano ist ein gr��eres Display, weshalb er sich besonders zum Abspielen apple ipod shuffle price von Videos eignet, und der iPod shuffle gilt laut Apple als der kleinste .
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Compare prices on Apple iPod Shuffle (512MB) MP3 players from trusted, CNET-certified online merchants at CNET Marketplace
The second-generation Apple miniplayer gets even smaller, and cuts its price by almost half.
. 52,80
Januar 2007 bot Apple den iPod shuffle in f�nf Farben an: Neu waren Rosa (pink), Orange, Gr�n und Blau. Am 5. September 2007 wurde die gesamte iPod-Linie aktualisiert: Der iPod .
Apple - iPod Shuffle - 1,165 results like the Apple iPod shuffle 2GB Silver Digital Music Player, Able Planet True Fidelity Nc300b On-ear Headphones W/ Apple Ipod Shuffle .
Apple iPod Shuffle is the latest gadget by the company having outstanding features available in India at affordable price. The Apple iPod Shuffle with 2GB storage capacity can .